Please click on image for detailed schedule
of Dhamma talks and Dana.
Event Highlight 特别活动
One Day Retreat led by Ajahn Dton
25 – 5 – 2014
8.30am - 6.00pm
(10am - Dana Offering in Wat Palelai)
Wat Palelai
(49 Bedok Walk, S’469145)
只接受网络报名Online Registration ONLY:
询问 Enquiry
简讯/致电SMS/ Call. Sis. Elycia 9736 6520
Vegetarian lunch provided for yogis.
Donation is welcomed to support the retreat and NDR;
you may do so on actual day. Limited seats,
register early to avoid disappointment.
Donation is welcomed to support the retreat and NDR;
you may do so on actual day. Limited seats,
register early to avoid disappointment.
Venerable monks from
Thailand, in the practice of late Ajahn Chah forest tradition
源自泰国森林僧, 阿姜查传承的僧团。
源自泰国森林僧, 阿姜查传承的僧团。
The Venerable Ajahns 八位僧林僧
Luang Por Kampan (40 Vassa)
Abbot of Wat Pah Nong Chik
(144th branch of Wat Pah Pong)
龙普甘潘(40戒腊)是泰国Wat Pah Nong Chik (阿姜查森林僧派系巴蓬寺的第144分院)的住持。
以戒腊计算,龙普是巴蓬寺僧团中排行第 9的比丘。
LP is the 9th most senior monk in
Wat Pah Pong. LP followed closely and practised
with Ajahn Chah in the earlier
days. Being very handy and skilful, he was entrusted
by Ajahn Chah to head and supervise the construction of Wat Pah Pong
in the earlier days. LP helped to take care of Wat Pah Pong
to provide a conducive environment for everyone
visiting and practising in the monastery.
by Ajahn Chah to head and supervise the construction of Wat Pah Pong
in the earlier days. LP helped to take care of Wat Pah Pong
to provide a conducive environment for everyone
visiting and practising in the monastery.
Luang Por Naret (28 Vassa)
Abbot of Wat Pah Kowong (99th branch of Wat Pah Pong)
龙普那列 (28戒腊) 早年跟随阿姜查修行,
目前是Wat Pah Khor Wang(阿姜查森林僧派系巴蓬寺的第99分院)的住持。
LP practised under the late Venerable Ajahn Chah’s forest tradition.
Luang Phor is widely respected and recognised role model
from Sangha in northern Thailand and his monastery is also one of the
Model Monastery there. Every year, Luang Phor conducts many retreats, dhamma talks
and other charity drives for the society. More than 350 people are ordained
under his guidance annually. He was conferred the title "Phrakhru" by Thai King
in recognition for his contribution.
Luang Phor is widely respected and recognised role model
from Sangha in northern Thailand and his monastery is also one of the
Model Monastery there. Every year, Luang Phor conducts many retreats, dhamma talks
and other charity drives for the society. More than 350 people are ordained
under his guidance annually. He was conferred the title "Phrakhru" by Thai King
in recognition for his contribution.
Ajahn Mai (25 Vassa)
Ajahn Jumnien (21 Vassa)
Ajahn Hiah (21 Vassa)
Ajahn Dton (15 Vassa)
After his graduation, he continued with his medical studies from 1994 to 1997 in the American Board of Pediatrics from Children Hospital of Michigan under a scholarship provided by the government of Thailand. During this period, he was awarded The Best of Hospitality Winner. From 1997 to 2000, he furthered his medical research in the Pediatric Endocrinology from Children Hospital Medical Centre, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.
After he completed his PhD, he found himself in a meditation retreat in US under the guidance of Ajahn Jayasaro, the abbot of Wat Pah Nanachat. Through this retreat, Ajahn Dton, who was still a layman then, realized that the monastic life is what he had been looking for.
Ajahn Maha Dton Dhirapanno returned to Thailand and went forth in Wat Pah Nanachat. With perseverance, he completed a Buddhist course which entitled him the honour of a “Maha”. (“Maha” signifies proficiency in Grade Three Pali) at present, he is the Buddhist adviser and meditation instructor in hospitals, government departments and schools in the vicinity Wat Pah Bun Lom.
永觉比丘 Ajahn Cagino (10 Vassa)
Founder, Dhammagiri Foundation
Spiritual Advisor, Nibbana Dhamma Rakkha (NDR)
Spiritual Advisor, Nibbana Dhamma Rakkha (NDR)
1967 出生于马来西亚。
1989-1995 专业摄影师,荣获四十余项摄影奖冠军及亚洲摄影比赛冠军。
1997 于槟城洪福寺出家为沙弥,一年半后到泰国依止Ajahn Ganha正式出家。
2004 于阿姜查禅师派系的国际森林道场 Wat Pah Nanacha重 受比丘戒 。 后在泰国东、南、西、北部行脚不少于4000公里。现住在泰国北部的山洞里。
2010 成立法山基经会,为湄宏順边陲山区的孤儿建立佛化儿童之家 、颁发助学金、举办禅修营等来协助山地贫困的孩子们。
2011-2013 来回于新、马、泰、印等地, 弘扬佛法及指导禅修。 信众们也将比丘在森林行脚修行时所拍摄的作品,通过十余场的摄影展呈现给大众。
1967 Born in Malaysia
1989-1995 Worked as a photographer and won no less than 40 awards with a first prize in an Asian Photography Competition.
1997 Ordained as a samanera in Mahayana tradition in Ang Hock Si Monastery in Penang; became a novice under Ajahn Ganha in Thailand 1½ year later.
2004 Re-ordained under Ajahn Chah's lineage in Wat Pah Nanachat, the International Forest Monastery. Ajahn has covered more than 4000 km on foot around Thailand. Now he resides in a cave in northern Thailand.
2010 Founded Dhammagiri Foundation to help orphans at Mae Hong Son, Thailand by providing a Buddhist children’s home, study scholarships, and regularly conducting meditation retreats for schools.
2011-2013 Travels extensively in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia for dhammaduta and conducts meditation retreats. Devotees have organized more than 10 exhibitions to showcase photographs taken by Ajahn that capture the way of life of Buddhist forest monks.
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