行脚 Tudong

网上报名 Online registration: https://goo.gl/9sAiws

行脚简介Tudong General Information
联合主办单位 Co-Organizer

法山基金会 Dhammagiri Foundation
护法苑 Nibbana Dhamma Rakkha

领导比丘 Leading Venerable
永觉比丘 Ajahn Cagino (华语讲解Conducted in Mandarin)
泰国,湄宏顺俯森林。 Forest in Mae Hong Son Thailand.
日期Date :



参加者须是佛教徒且身心健壮、不畏高、 体力甚佳。
Participant must be a Buddhist, mentally and physically healthy, no  fear of height and  physical fit,

 报名方法 Application
a)    您可通过网上报名You may fill in online application: http://goo.gl/sNqWaf

b)    或邮寄至 Or post to:
Nibbana Dhamma Rakkha
24 Lor 29 Geylang #04-00  S(388073)
请注明主题  Please stated subject: “Tudong 2014

被录取者将另行通知。All successful applicants for the trip would be notified.

录取名额 / Quota

团费 Tour Fare :

 SGD250 /RM600
团费包括 Tour Fare includes: 
  • 住宿Accommodation , 餐食Meals,  背夫potter, 路陆交通费land transport、及参访寺院的布施and offering Dana to visiting monasteries
团费不包括 Tour Fare Excludes:
  • 国际与内陆来回机票Return airfare (international and domestic): Singapore (KL)/Chiangmai/Mao Hong Son/Chiangmai/Singapore (KL).
  • 旅游保险 Travel Insurance.

每天徒步不少于 五到七小时、须攀山涉水、 住宿山洞或村庄、参访森林道场及于山顶禅修等. During this tudong, participants have to hike about 5-7 hours daily. Be prepared to cross rivers/streams, trek over a few thousand feets and steep mountain slopes. Experience staying in caves, villages and forest monasteries. Opportunity to practise meditation at one of the mountain peaks.

截止日期 / Deadline


询问处/ Enquiry:
·         电邮Email: tudong.mhs@gmail.com
·         电话Phone: (SG)  Bro Chong Peng : (65) 9880 3569
                               (MY)  Sis Kim Toh +6012 623 6786
 (请在晚上 7 点至 10 点之间致电/ Please call within 7pm - 10pm)

备注 / Remarks:
·         参加者必须全程参与。Participants must follow the whole trip.
·         参加者务必持守五戒。Participants are required to abide by the 5 precepts throughout the trip.
·         缴费顺序录取。恕不保留名額. Registration confirmed upon full payment received.      No reservation allowed.
·         已被录取者, 恕不退费. Non-refundable once registration confirmed. .
·         日期或行程如有更改将另行通知。Dates and itinerary are tentative, registered participants will be notified for any changes.