26/12/2013 – 04/01/2014
领导比丘 Tour is guided and led by
行程 Itinerary
每天徒步不少于 五到七小时、须攀山涉水、 住宿山洞或村庄、参访森林道场及于山顶禅修等。
During this tudong, participants have to hike about 5-7 hours daily. Be prepared to cross rivers/streams, trek over a few thousand feets and steep mountain slopes. Experience staying in caves, villages and forest monasteries. Opportunity to practise meditation at one of the mountain peaks.
地 点 Destination:
Forests in Mae Hong Son, Thailand.
日期 Date :
26/12/2013 – 04/01/2014
参加资格 Eligibility
参加者须身心健壮、 体能甚佳。
Participant should be physical fit, and healthy in mind and body.
报名方法 Application:
a) 在此网页填写表格:报名表格
You may fill out application form and submit online.
b) 或将表格邮寄至 Or mail completed form to:
Nibbana Dhamma Rakkha
24 Lor 29 Geylang #04-00
Leow Sih Association Building
Singapore 388073
Nibbana Dhamma Rakkha
24 Lor 29 Geylang #04-00
Leow Sih Association Building
Singapore 388073
请注明主题 Please state subject: “Tudong 2013”
被录取者将另行通知。All successful applicants for the trip would be notified.
录取名额 / Quota: 20
费用/ Trip Fee: SGD 120 /RM300
• 仅包括湄宏顺路陆交通费、参访寺院的布施及住宿。
Fee includes land transport at Mae Hong Son, offering Dana to visiting monasteries, and accommodation.
• 不包括:新加坡(吉隆坡)/清迈/湄宏顺来回机票及旅游保险.
Fee does NOT include: Flight tickets (international and domestic) and Group travel insurance.
• 须自行购买机票及旅游保险 。
Please purchase your own flight tickets and travel insurance.
截止日期 / Closing date for registration:
询问处/ Enquiry:
• 电邮 Email: tudong.mhs@gmail.com
Please call within 7pm - 10pm:
• 新加坡Singapore: 玉云 Sis Yu Yun: (65) 9639 0867
• 马来西亚Malaysia: 金桃 Sis Kim Toh: (60) 12-623 6786
备注 / Remarks:
a) 参加者必须全程参与。
Applicants must be able to follow the full trip.
b) 名额有限, 请尽早报名。
Limited vacancies, please register early to avoid disappointment.
c) 学员需各自携带睡袋 / 卧具、盥洗用品、毛巾(静坐备用)、足够的衣物。
Please bring your own sleeping bag, tent, toiletries, thermal wear and meditation towel.
d) 日期或行程如有更改将另行通知。
We will notify you in case of any modification to date and itinerary.
联合主办单位 Co-organisers
法山基金会 Dhammagiri Foundation
护法苑 Nibbana Dhamma Rakkha
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