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- 卡提那+法山湄宏顺之旅 - Dhammagiri Kathina + Mae Hong Son Tour
- 追随佛足迹, 圣地禅修转法轮 - Meditation Tour at Holy Sites
- 行脚 Tudong
- 阿姜查纪念日之行 - Ajahn Chah's Commemoration Tour
- 禅修营 (开照长老) - Meditation Retreat by Venerable Kaizhao
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Sunday, 22 December 2013
Monday, 2 December 2013
18-19 Jan: Ajahn Keng 开示与 一日修
护法苑很荣幸地恭请Ajahn Keng 前来护法苑为大众开示佛法与 主持一日修。
NDR is pleased to invite Ajahn Keng to give us a Dhamma Talk and conduct One Day Retreat.
佛法开示 Dhamma Talk :
日期 Date : 18/ 1/ 2014 (星期六 Sat)
时间 Time : 7.30pm – 9:00pm
一日修 One Day Retreat :
日期 Date : 19/ 1/ 2014 (星期日 Sun)
时间 Time : 8am - 6pm
(需报名 Registration required)
[ 更多详情 Retreat Details ]
Friday, 25 October 2013
四念处禅俢营 (Luang Phor Jutindharo 主持)
Luang Phor Jutindharo 将在11月22-24日 (星期五 至 星期天) 在宁心寺为我们主持四念处禅俢营.
联办单位 Co-Organiser: 护法苑 Nibbana Dhamma Rakkha &宁心寺 Santi Forest Monastery
主持导师 Teacher: Luang Phor Jutindharo
日期 Date: 21-24 Nov 2013
地点 Venue: 宁心寺Santi Forest Monastery @ Ulu Tiram Johor Malaysia
在禅俢营期间晚上8pm 为大众 开示佛法(泰语)。永隽比丘将是华语翻译者。欢迎大家前来参与, 共沾法益。There are Dhamma talks at 8.00pm in Thai by Luang Phor. They will be translated to Mandarin by Venerable Saddha Yong Jun.
Contact person :
Sister Choong Wai Cheng
(S'pore : 94886985 ) ( M'sia: 6017-2584640 )
Online application and Dana:
Luang Phor Jutindharo 将在11月22-24日 (星期五 至 星期天) 在宁心寺为我们主持四念处禅俢营.
联办单位 Co-Organiser: 护法苑 Nibbana Dhamma Rakkha &宁心寺 Santi Forest Monastery
主持导师 Teacher: Luang Phor Jutindharo
日期 Date: 21-24 Nov 2013
地点 Venue: 宁心寺Santi Forest Monastery @ Ulu Tiram Johor Malaysia
在禅俢营期间晚上8pm 为大众 开示佛法(泰语)。永隽比丘将是华语翻译者。欢迎大家前来参与, 共沾法益。There are Dhamma talks at 8.00pm in Thai by Luang Phor. They will be translated to Mandarin by Venerable Saddha Yong Jun.
Click poster for more details:
Contact person :
Sister Choong Wai Cheng
(S'pore : 94886985 ) ( M'sia: 6017-2584640 )
Online application and Dana:
Monday, 30 September 2013
Embodied Awareness - experiential workshops
From Dec 2013, NDR will invite lay teachers and facilitators from healing and therapeutic practices to conduct experiential workshops. These workshops aim to complement our practice of mindfulness and self-awareness in our body-mind dynamics and interpersonal relationships.
Coming up on 1 and 8 December, we have workshops specially for adults, and parent-child bonding. [ Click for more details ]
Coming up on 1 and 8 December, we have workshops specially for adults, and parent-child bonding. [ Click for more details ]
Wednesday, 28 August 2013
Tuesday, 6 August 2013
19-20 Oct.: 宁心寺 卡提那庆典 Ulu Tiram Kathina 2013
宁心寺 卡提那庆典
Santi Monastery Kathina Ceremony
( 20 -10 -2013)
- 地点Venue : 宁心寺,Santi Monastery Ulu Tiram, Johor,Malaysia
- 交通费Transport Fee: S$25.00
- 集合地点 Pickup point:Paya Lebar MRT 3:30pmKranji MRT 4:00pm
- 截止日期 Closing date: 16/10/2013
Significance of KATHINA [ Click here for more details ]
庆祝卡提那节是南传佛教的一个重要节日。这个庆典通常是在比丘 (出家人) 毎年结夏安居後的阳历十月或十一月里举行。
其典故始于佛陀时代 :
在佛陀早期弘法时侯,出家人是不需结夏安居的。后来由于接到投诉,特别是农夫的不满,说许多出家人在雨季里还在田间行走而把农作物都给踏坏了之后,佛陀才禁止僧众在雨季期间四处云遊,而必须定居一处,致力于修行。这样的规定就称为 “结夏安居”。
1. 修行上有成就
2. 有价值及树立好榜样
3. 僧信 ‘善互动’ 而共同福慧双修
1. 地方上过予喧闹或发生骚乱
2. 缺乏食物
3. 发生天灾如洪水及地震等
虽然在安居期间比丘不能随意外出,不过慈悲的佛陀允许如遇著父母亲有急事,或探访老师及朋友,或信众有邀请说法授供等事宜之情况下,比丘可依法请假外出,以七日为期限。此种方法称为 “七日法” 或 “受日法” 。
凡是能在一固定住处或道埸完成三个月安居之比丘或僧众,都有资格被选为领受卡帝那衣的受惠者。除非是特别情况以外,如有比丘错过首个结夏安居期,他是被允许守第二个结夏安居期的,不过却没有资格领受卡帝那衣。领受卡帝那衣者是在至少有五位比丘组成的僧团,在戒塔 (Sima) 内进行一问一答式僧伽会议后决议。这是给予最致力于修行的比丘之一项常殊胜的鼓励与奖赏。
在家居士只能每年一次在卡提那节时供养卡提那衣给僧团。卡提那之缘起,有著这么一个故事 :
在一般普通的布施或善行,只有施者单方面可获得功德。不过,供养卡提那衣却不同,它的功德是双方皆能获得 ; 不论是做布施的在家居士或是受用卡提那衣的僧团。由于其功德非凡,所以比丘甚至天神也允许参与供养卡提那衣。不过唯一条件是供养卡提那衣之比丘不够自己成为卡提那衣之受用人。在一些佛教国家,年青人常被鼓励在结夏安居期间出家为沙弥。由此可见,结夏安居与卡提那之功德,是多么殊胜!
Observance of the Rains Retreat (Vassana), also known as the Buddhist Lent, by the (Buddhist Monks), brings the opportunity for the celebration of Kathina Robe Festival, which usually falls in the month of October or November annually. It is yet another classic tradition dating back to the time of the Gotama Buddha who had an illustrious Ministry lasting forty five years; the longest in any religious history. During the early years of the Buddha’s dispensation, there was no observation of the Rains Retreat, as the occasion did not arise at first. It was only later that a public complaint arose to the effect that only the Buddhist monks still travel during the raining season, trampling everything underfoot. So, there was a hue and cry, especially from the farmers, who blamed the Buddhist monks for destroying their crops; saying that even certain birds know when to stop travelling about and stay in one place, during the raining period.
One hearing this and after due consideration, the Buddha laid the Vinaya displinary rule, which require all Bhikkus to observe the Rains Retreat. As with all Vinaya rules promulgated by Him it must have the following advantages:-
1. Benefit of practice,
2. Valuable and exemplary, and,
3. Mutual benefit to all concerned
Following closely and keeping with this new rule, the Bhikkus began observing the Rains Retreat, staying in one place of abode, in unbroken continuity for three months. Observing of this Buddhist tradition had been upheld unbreached by the lineage of the Noble ones and even the two chief Disciples, the Venerable Sariputta and the Venerable Moggallana until today and still so, by Bhikkus the world over.
Exceptions to this Vinaya rule are, the Bhikkus can move to another place of abode when there is:-
a. Rioting/ violent disturbance,
b. Scarcity of food, and,
c. Natural disaster/ calamity
Threatening the sanctity and the conducive Rains retreat practice. In such a circumstance, the migrating Bhikkus suffer no offence which would otherwise be normally imposed.
Most of the Bhikkus use this period of solitude to hone their spiritual advancement and seize the golden opportunity to obtain the highest fruits they are capable of, as did their Sanghahood forebears in days of yore. Even now, numerous Bhikkhus strive on with diligence, in accordance with the advice of the Buddha, brushing aside their difficulties and personal problems (such as a grave illness),bent only to pursue their spiritual striving to conquer the tenacious, ignoble and heretical tendencies, just to gain insight. This is what really happens to the Bhikkhu’s daily life during the Rains Retreat, in letter and in spirit!
However, amidst the struggle for spiritual excellence, the Compassionate and Omniscient Buddha also gave His exuberant love and care to shower upon His diligent Bhikkhus. So, they are allowed to visit their parents, teachers, and friends and to preach and teach the Dhamma, and also to perform other religious duties; but must return to their abode within one week.
To be eligible to receive the Kathina Robe, a Bhikku must observe a full stipulated Rains covering the three months, in unbroken continuity and stayed in the same monastery or abode. If several Bhikkhus observe the Rains Retreat in the same place, then the eligibility is decided in the Sima Shrine Hall, in the presence of at least five monks.
A Bhikku failing to observe the first full Rains Retreat, can observe the second Rains Retreat under certain circumstances only; but he is not entitled to receive the Kathina Robe for that year. Therefore the Kathina Robe is indeed a unique award to a diligent Bhikkhu, after careful and deliberate scrutiny before a selective panel of senior Bhikkhus, convened for the purpose in the Sima Shrine hall, during the Kathina Robe Festival.
The Kathina Robe presentation which can only be offered only once a year in each monastery, really became an annual practice when the Buddha saw the thirty Bhikkhus of the royal Bhaddavaggi clan who came to visit and pay homage to Him, just after their Rains Retreat. With their robes well-worn and tattered, they were a sorry sight ! The Buddha showered His Compassion on them and promulgated the offering of Kathina Robe to the Bhikkhus observing the Rains Retreat at each monastery henceforth.
Another reason why the Kathina Robe is precious and rare, is because it benefits both parties, when the offering is performed, principally the donor(s) and his supporters on the one side and the recipient Bhikkhu on the other. Other offerings and wholesome actions, when performed are merely one-sided affairs, that is the merits are accruable to the donor(s) only ! It is also invaluable in that, even monks themselves, as well as celestial beings can be Kathina donors ! However they must not be the Kathina recipients receiving the Kathina Robe offered by themselves ! So beneficial is the Kathina offering which is the culmination of the Rains Retreat observance by the striving Bhikkhus. Sometimes, in Buddhist countrie, young people are encouraged to become monks during this auspicious period. Having said so much, still the benefits and value of the Kathina cannot be adequately measured !
So, with the many advantages and benefits enumerated above, may the sponsors of union Kathina 2012 and others yet to come, enjoy all the benefits and bathe in its resplendent glory, spiritual prosperity and ultimate blissful happiness Now and Forever!
Monday, 17 June 2013
Saturday, 8 June 2013
Dhamma talk (by Ajahn Cagino) and Dana from 15th to 19th June
Dear Dhamma Brothers and Sisters,
We are pleased to annouce that there will be a Dhamma talk by Ajahn Cagino on the 15th June, from 7:30 to 9:00pm at NDR premises.
In addition, there are also a few opportunites for dana, from 16th to 19th June. Please see attached poster for more information.
Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!
Tuesday, 28 May 2013
Dhammaduta by Luang Phor Jutindharo (Chao Khoon Peck) 3-7/6/2013
诸位佛友 Dear Dhammafarers,
谨此通知,我们很荣幸地恭请长老 Jutindharo (Chao Khoon Peck) 恭临新加坡为大众开示佛法与接受供养。 行程请参阅附件海报:-
We are pleased to announce that we are inviting Ven Luang Phor Jutindharo (Chao Khoon Peck) for a series of Dhamma talks and Lunch Dana offering in Singapore. Kindly refer to the attached poster and following program for detail.
媒介Medium: 泰语(中文翻译)Thai with Chinese Translation
03/06/2013 ( 一 Mon)
- Wat Palelai @ 49 Bedok Walk, Singapore 469145
7:45 pm: 佛法开示 Dhamma sharing
06/06/2013 (四 Thu)
- 护法苑 Nibbana Dhamma Rakkha (NDR)@ 24 Geylang Lor 29, #04-00 Leow Sih Building
7:45 pm: 佛法开示 Dhamma sharing
07/06/2013 (五 Fri)
- Wat Palelai @ 49 Bedok Walk, Singapore 469145
11:00 am : 供僧Dana - Wat Ananda Youth (Wisdom Dhamma Centre) @ 27, Jalan Senyum (Near to Kembangan MRT)
7:45 pm: 佛法开示 Dhamma sharingWith MettaNIBBANA DHAMMA RAKKHA
Tel: (65) 9679 7519Facebook: Nibbana Dhamma Rakkha(NDR)__._,_.___
Monday, 27 May 2013
活动相簿 Photo Gallery
新照片 Updates:
〉2012 法山湄宏顺之旅 2012 Mae Hong Son tour with Ajahn Cagino
《看相簿全集 View full album 》《参加 2013年之旅 Join trip in 2013 》
〉2012 行脚 2012 Tudong: pilgrimage on foot, led by Ajahn Cagino
《看相簿全集 View full album 》《参加 2013年之旅 Join trip in 2013 》
〉2013 阿姜查纪念日之行
2013 Ajahn Chah Commemoration Tour, led by Ajahn Cagino
《看相簿全集 View full album 》《参加 2014年之旅 Join trip in 2014 》
Sunday, 28 April 2013
一日修 One-day Retreat
导师 Teacher:
永觉比丘Ajahn Cagino
日期 Date: 6/ 5/2013
时间 Time: 8am - 5pm
地点 Venue:Dhamma Wisdom Centre
27 Jalan Senyum. Singapore 418151
截止日期 Deadline: 1/ 5/2013
Sunday, 14 April 2013
2014 阿姜查纪念日之行 / Ajahn Chah's Commemoration Tour 2014
8 – 17 / 1 / 2014
领导比丘 Tour is guided and led by
永觉比丘 Ajahn Cagino
详情 | Details
简介 General Information
地 点 Destination
Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand
日期 Date
08 – 17 / 1 / 2014
参加资格 Eligibility
Any interested individual who is healthy and fit is welcome to apply.
參加方法 Application
a) 在此网页填写表格:报名表格
You may fill out application form and submit online.
b) 或将表格邮寄至 Or mail completed form to:
Nibbana Dhamma Rakkha
24 Lor 29 Geylang #04-00
Leow Sih Association Building
Singapore 388073
Nibbana Dhamma Rakkha
24 Lor 29 Geylang #04-00
Leow Sih Association Building
Singapore 388073
请注明主题 Please state subject: “Ajahn Chah Commemoration Tour 2014”
被录取者将另行通知。All successful applicants for the trip would be notified.
名额 Max. no of participants
旅费 Tour fee:
S$150/ RM370
• 包括路陆交通费及参访寺院的布施。
Fee includes land transport and offering Dana to visiting monasteries
• 不包括新加坡(吉隆坡)/曼谷/Ubon Rachathani 来回机票及旅游保险。
Fee does NOT include: Flight tickets (international and domestic) and Group travel insurance.
• 须自行购买机票及旅游保险 。
Please purchase your own flight tickets and travel insurance.
截止日期 Please register by: 31-10-2013 (amended)
询问处 Enquiry:
• 电邮 Email:
Please call within 7pm - 10pm:
• 新加坡 Singapore - 莲珍 Sis Leng Chin ( +65 9641 4586)
• 马来西亚 Malaysia - Sis Yuejan ( +60 12-289 3798)
• 马来西亚 Malaysia - Sis Kim Toh ( +60 12-6236786)
备注 Remarks
a) 参加者必须全程参与。
Applicants must be able to follow the full trip.
b) 名额有限, 请尽早报名。
Limited vacancies, please register early to avoid disappointment.
c) 学员需各自携带睡袋 / 卧具、盥洗用品、毛巾(静坐备用)、足够的衣物。
Please bring your own sleeping bag, tent, toiletries, thermal wear and meditation towel.
d) 日期或行程如有更改将另行通知。
We will notify you in case of any modification to date and itinerary.
e) 全程住宿帐篷。
Accommodation will be in tents.
新加坡/吉隆坡 -曼谷 - 午餐- Ubon Ratchathani-芭蓬寺
Singapore /Kuala Lumpur – Bangkok – Lunch-Ubon Ratchathani-Wat
Nong Pah Pong
芭蓬寺-Wat Pah Sai Gnam
Wat Nong Pah Pong -Wat Pah Sai Gnam
Wat Pah Sai Gnam (一日禅修)
Wat Pah Sai Gnam (A Day Retreat)
Wat Pah Sai Gnam-Wat Pah Pu Jongkong (一日禅修)
Wat Pah Sai Gnam-Wat Pah Pu Jongkong (A Day Retreat)
Wat Pah Pu Jongkong-芭蓬寺
Wat Pah Pu Jongkong-Wat Nong Pah Pong
芭蓬寺 Wat Nong Pah Pong
Wat Nong Pah Pong-Wat Pah Nanachat-Wat Nong Pah Pong
芭蓬寺 Wat Nong Pah Pong
Wat Nong Pah Pong (Ajahn Chah Remembrance’s Day)
芭蓬寺- Ubon Ratchathani-曼谷-午餐-新加坡/吉隆坡
Wat Nong Pah Pong - Ubon Ratchathani-Bangkok -Lunch-Singapore
/Kuala Lumpur
备注 Remarks
a) 参加者必须全程参与。
Applicants must be able to follow the full trip.
b) 名额有限, 请尽早报名。
Limited vacancies, please register early to avoid disappointment.
c) 学员需各自携带睡袋 / 卧具、盥洗用品、毛巾(静坐备用)、足够的衣物。
Please bring your own sleeping bag, tent, toiletries, thermal wear and meditation towel.
d) 日期或行程如有更改将另行通知。
We will notify you in case of any modification to date and itinerary.
e) 全程住宿帐篷。
Accommodation will be in tents.
新加坡/吉隆坡 -曼谷 - 午餐- Ubon Ratchathani-芭蓬寺
Singapore /Kuala Lumpur – Bangkok – Lunch-Ubon Ratchathani-Wat
Nong Pah Pong
芭蓬寺-Wat Pah Sai Gnam
Wat Nong Pah Pong -Wat Pah Sai Gnam
Wat Pah Sai Gnam (一日禅修)
Wat Pah Sai Gnam (A Day Retreat)
Wat Pah Sai Gnam-Wat Pah Pu Jongkong (一日禅修)
Wat Pah Sai Gnam-Wat Pah Pu Jongkong (A Day Retreat)
Wat Pah Pu Jongkong-芭蓬寺
Wat Pah Pu Jongkong-Wat Nong Pah Pong
芭蓬寺 Wat Nong Pah Pong
Wat Nong Pah Pong-Wat Pah Nanachat-Wat Nong Pah Pong
芭蓬寺 Wat Nong Pah Pong
Wat Nong Pah Pong (Ajahn Chah Remembrance’s Day)
芭蓬寺- Ubon Ratchathani-曼谷-午餐-新加坡/吉隆坡
Wat Nong Pah Pong - Ubon Ratchathani-Bangkok -Lunch-Singapore
/Kuala Lumpur
联合主办单位 Co-organisers
法山基金会 Dhammagiri Foundation
护法苑 Nibbana Dhamma Rakkha
Ajahn Cagino
Ajahn Chah's Commemoration Tour
Saturday, 13 April 2013
Cancelled: 2013 四念处禅修营 Satipatthana Meditation Retreat
2013 四念处禅修营 Satipatthana Meditation Retreat
Cancellation Notice
由于建筑工程建设进展延缓, 法山基金会未能如期提供完善的禅修地点, 故2013年12月所计划的禅修营必须延期至2014年12月。特此道歉,若有不便之處,敬請原諒!然而我们非常欢迎您前来湄宏順, 参访法山基金会会所。
Due to unforeseen circumstances of the slight delay in construction progress and getting facilities ready, Dhammagiri Foundation is not able to organise meditation retreat in December 2013. The retreat is postponed to December 2014. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. However, you are welcome to visit the premises of Dhammagiri Foundation and Mae Hong Son.
Find out more about tours and trips led by Ajahn Cagino to Mae Hong Son. [click here]
Tuesday, 9 April 2013
Kumara 比丘佛法开示
许多佛教徒学习禅修是因为相信禅修能解决人生问题, 或至少协助他们面对人生问题。有些人因此受益不浅, 但有些人并不如此,却基于信心而一味坚持下去;也有人因此放弃, 而这当中有人离开佛教投入其他心灵教导或宗教; 也有些人结束自己的生命。为什么结果会有这么大的差异?
21 - 4 - 2013 (Sun), 9:45am
Sunday, 6 January 2013
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