联办单位 Organizer: 护法苑 Nibbana Dhamma Rakkha
导师 Teacher: Ajahn Cagino 永觉比丘
导师 Teacher: Ajahn Cagino 永觉比丘
营队日期 Retreat Date: 05-07/09/2014 (五-日Fri-Sun)
报到 Check-in: 05/09/2014 7.00am
离营 Check-out: 07/09/2014, 6.00pm
截止日期Closing Date: 29/08/2014
离营 Check-out: 07/09/2014, 6.00pm
截止日期Closing Date: 29/08/2014
地点 Venue: 护法苑会所(主办当局会提供住宿)。Nibbana Dhamma Rakkha Premises (stay-in meditation retreat, accommodation will be provided.)
名额Quota: 40
** 提供素食早午餐。Breakfast and vegetarian Lunch will be provided.
** 我们欢迎您护持营队的费用。 Donation is welcomed to support the retreat.
** 我们欢迎您护持营队的费用。 Donation is welcomed to support the retreat.
网络报名Online Registration : http://goo.gl/G2mPXE
询问 Enquiry :电邮Email: ndr.activity@gmail.com ,WhatsApp/SMS: Sis Alice 65-9679 7519