日期: 8-3-2014 (Saturday 星期六)
时间: 8.30am -7.00pm
地点: NDR 护法苑 (24, Lor 29 Geylang, #04-00 Leow Shih Bldg)
报名/询问 registration & enquiries
网上报名表Online registration form: http://goo.gl/Js1X2G
电邮Email. ndr.activity@gmail.com
(简讯/致电SMS, or call after 7pm) Sis. Yee Ling 8128 4068
供僧 Dana
Dana is open to public. Please bring offering by 8.30am, offering starts at 9.00am.
Vegetarian only.
** Vegetarian lunch provided for yogis.
** Donation is welcomed to support the retreat and NDR; you may do so on actual day.
** 主办单位将提供素食午餐给参修者。
** 若想支持禅修与会所经费,可在当日捐助。
面书 facebook.com/ndr.sgp
网址 ndr-sg.blogspot.sg