From Dec 2013, NDR will invite lay teachers and facilitators from healing and therapeutic practices to conduct experiential workshops. These workshops aim to complement our practice of mindfulness and self-awareness in our body-mind dynamics and interpersonal relationships.
Coming up on 1 and 8 December, we have workshops specially for adults, and parent-child bonding. [ Click for more details ]
- 最新资讯 News
- 简介 Introduction
- 短期出家 Novitiate Programme
- 四念处禅修营 Satipatthana Meditation Retreat
- 卡提那+法山湄宏顺之旅 - Dhammagiri Kathina + Mae Hong Son Tour
- 追随佛足迹, 圣地禅修转法轮 - Meditation Tour at Holy Sites
- 行脚 Tudong
- 阿姜查纪念日之行 - Ajahn Chah's Commemoration Tour
- 禅修营 (开照长老) - Meditation Retreat by Venerable Kaizhao
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